Will AI Kill Nostalgia?
Mark Jennings Mark Jennings

Will AI Kill Nostalgia?

Random thought of the day…

Last week I watched American Graffiti on TV. I had not seen the movie since it first came out in 1973.

For those not familiar with the movie, it takes place in 1962 and follows four teenagers in LA as they experience their last night before heading off to their next chapters at college or other pursuits. It takes place in a single night and captures a great slice of what life was like in 1962. When it was released it was popular as it offered a nostalgic return to a very different time in the US. By 1973, the world had changed drastically. The music, the clothing, the hairstyles, automobiles, and attitudes had evolved greatly. The Vietnam War also had a major effect on the American psyche.

But what struck me the most is that it was only 11 years between 1962 and 1972. If we were to make the same movie today, that would be the equivalent of setting it in 2013

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